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In the daily use of steam reciprocating pump, there will always be some failures, if not resolved in time will affect the progress of work, and even worse consequences. Below, Xiao Bian to bring you a common fault analysis of steam reciprocating pump (A), first of all to introduce two common symptoms of failure, will continue to bring other failure analysis. Steam reciprocating pump common fault analysis (A) steam reciprocating pump no liquid discharge reasons and solutions 1, the cause of the malfunction: ①suction or discharge line plugging. ② into, drainage valve case card. ③ air cylinder. ④ suction pipe connection is not strict. ⑤ column (live) plug seal severely damaged. 2, solution: ①clear pipeline plug. ② clear into, drain valve jam. ③ filled with water, clean the air. ④ Tighten the pipe. ⑤ replace the column (live) plug seal. Steam reciprocating pump with liquid discharge but no pressure causes and solutions 1, the cause of the malfunction: ①pressure gauge failure. ② not installed insurance pin or has been cut off. 2, solution: ①check or replace the pressure gauge. ② replace the insurance pin. Steam reciprocating pump common fault analysis introduced in the first part of this, I do not know if you understand? When faced with similar problems, along the above ideas, you should be able to find the root cause of the malfunction, and then take measures to solve the problem. Further Reading: motor top ten brands of Chinese architecture exhibition water pump manufacturers ranking ptc Show article belongs to Internet industry (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. All are welcome to reprint, please indicate the source and author of: Asian pumps Network Editor: Small L ( QQ / WeChat:) starting: (service hotline:)