Cements are divided into three categories according to their uses and properties. 1. General Cement, Cement commonly used in civil engineering. General-purpose cement mainly refers to six categories of cement specified in gb175-1999, gb1344-1999, and gb12958-1999, namely, Portland cement, ordinary portland cement, slag portland cement, pozzolanic portland cement, and powder Coal ash portland cement and composite portland cement. 2, special cement, special purpose cement. Such as: g-grade oil well cement, road Portland cement. 3, characteristics of cement, a relatively prominent performance of the cement. Such as: quick-hardening Portland cement, low-heat slag portland cement, expanded sulphoaluminate cement. Cement is classified according to its main hydraulic material name (1) Portland cement, commonly known as Portland cement abroad; (2) Aluminate cement; (3) Sulphoaluminate cement; (4) Ferroaluminate cement; (5) Fluoroaluminate cement; (6) Cements based on volcanic ash or potentially hydraulic materials and other active materials. The main technical characteristics of cement as required in the designation of cement are divided into: (1) Fastness: divided into two categories: fast and fast; (2) Heat of hydration: divided into medium heat and low heat; (3) Sulfate resistance: divided into two categories: resistance to sulphate corrosion and high resistance to sulphate corrosion; (4) Swelling: Divided into two categories: swelling and self-stress; (5) High temperature resistance: The high temperature resistance of aluminate cement is classified based on alumina content in cement. Yellow Sand Cement Cement Cnc Service,Machining Center,Cnc Machining Services,Vertical Machining Center Lizhi Precision Manufacturing Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.lizhihardware.com