Whether the fermentation bed can be disinfected in the end has always been a concern of farmers. Everyone will naturally think that disinfection will kill the fermenting functional bacteria, so the fermentation bed can not be disinfected. In most of the technical information of the fermentation bed, it is also mentioned that even the fermented mattress material cannot be disinfected. However, according to the practical results of the application of the pigs and chickens in the Kangxin dry-slurry fermentation bed of Beijing Changji Jiaye Technology Co., Ltd., this idea is not in line with the actual situation. That is to say, on the fermentation bed, especially on the Kangxin dry-slurry fermentation bed, the disinfection can be done without affecting the fermentation function of the fermentation bed. The reason why the general disinfection has no obvious influence on the fermentation is because the dose of the disinfectant is too small relative to the amount of the litter, and the litter itself has a strong adsorption effect, so that the disinfectant is not easily diffused and infiltrated. The chemical action of the litter and the biochemical action of the fermentation process have a faster degradation effect on the disinfectant. There is no need to disinfect in the fermentation bed. Because fermented functional bacteria dominate the fermented mattress material, there is almost no living space for pathogenic microorganisms. That is to say, the fermentation bed itself has a disinfecting effect. For fattening pigs raised in the fermentation bed, the main purpose of disinfection is to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases with strong infectious and pathogenicity such as swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease, swine flu and epidemic diarrhea, but not for the killing of conditional pathogenic microorganisms. It is necessary. The focus of disinfection on the farm is on the links with the outside world, such as people entering and leaving the country, vehicles and gates. It is almost futile to rely on disinfectants to control the spread of pathogens in a house. Disinfection should be strengthened when there is a threat to the epidemic, but it is not necessary to disinfect frequently during most of the time without the threat of the epidemic. Single Handle Kitchen Faucet,Single Handle Kitchen,Single Handle Wall Kitchen Mixer,Single Handle Wall Mounted Bath Mixer WENZHOU CHENKAI SANITARY WARE CO.,LTD , https://www.cnchenkai.com