Desalination of seawater requires the removal of salt. Usually, factories will dump this high concentration of "by-products" back into the sea, but this may cause damage to the environment. The good news is that a research team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a new treatment process that allows the original by-product waste to be used to desalinate more seawater. The technology incorporates a well-known standard chemical process, through a nanoscale process, removes unwanted compounds from the primary brine, and then performs one or more stages of electrodialysis.

As a result, brine is converted into practical chemicals with economic benefits, such as sodium hydroxide. (Photo from: MIT)

Sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda, can usually be used to change the acidity of the seawater entering the desalination equipment and help prevent scaling of the desalination filter membrane.

In the past, factory operators had to pay for the chemical, but through MIT's new mechanism, the factory can manufacture sodium hydroxide on site in excess of what it needs for its operations, and sell excess chemicals to others.

In addition, the new MIT process can produce hydrochloric acid through the desalination process, which is another objective source of sales. Scientists say that the factory no longer needs to pump wastewater into the sea, further saving operating costs.

At present, the MIT research team is testing and improving the technology of the prototype model, and ultimately reducing the system cost and power requirements of the equipment.

Details of this research have been published in the journal Nature Catalysis recently published.

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