When thunder and lightning roar, it is necessary to stop outdoor activities as much as possible, and seek shelter places nearby, such as caves and strong houses. However, it is not advisable to enter low-rise buildings with no mine protection facilities, such as sheds and booths, but also as far away as possible from the top of the mountain, the water surface or the land-water interface. When walking, do not hold umbrellas with metal umbrellas to walk in the rain, do not touch the rails, wires, run in thunderstorms, nor ride a bicycle, and not ride a motorcycle. When thunder and lightning strikes, they feel that there is an ant walking at the head, neck and hands. When the hair is erected, it means that a lightning strike will occur. You should hurry to the ground so that you can reduce the risk of being struck by lightning. At the same time, you must throw away the metal jewelry worn by your body. Such as cards, necklaces and other things. If you can hear thunder in the moment you see lightning, you are in danger of near thunderstorms. At this point should stop walking, feet together and immediately squat, do not pull together, it is best to use plastic rain gear, raincoats and so on. There is also a more common dangerous situation, that is, after the high-voltage line is struck by lightning after the lightning, there is a step voltage near the breakpoint, do not run, but should feet together, jumping away from the scene. KS B1503 Flanges JIS/KS B1503 flanges are steel pipe flanges (hereafter referred to as "flanges")of nominal sizes 10 A to 1500 A for nominal pressures 5K, 10K, 10K light type, 16K, 20K, 30K, 40K and 63K which are used to join parts for piping, such as steel pipes and valves used for ordinary piping pressure piping , high pressure piping , high temperature piping , alloy steel piping and stainless steel piping for steam, air, gas, water, oil, etc. KS B1503 Flanges,KS Standard Flanges,Carbon Steel KS Flanges,16K KS B1503 Flanges Shandong Zhongnuo Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd. , https://www.zhongnuoflange.com
High temperature is hot and stuffy, thunder and lightning are thunderous, and thunderstorms frequently occur in summer. Every year, lightning strikes happen. People are on the road and everything can happen. Shenzhen Anxin Technology Co., Ltd. teaches you a few tips to prevent lightning. It will help you escape.