The larvae of wheat armyworm mainly harm wheat, rice, millet, corn (2428, -1.00, -0.04%) and other cereal crops. When large occurs, they can also eat beans, vegetables and cotton (20150, -20.00, - 0.10%), etc., to the larvae eating leaves harm.    1. Use adult insects to lay eggs on the leaves of cereal crops. In the wheat field, insert the straw or straw, insert 60 to 100 acres , replace the new grass every 5 days, and burn the replaced grass.    2 , sweet and sour pots: 6 parts of sugar , 3 parts of vinegar , 1 part of white wine , 10 parts of water , 90% of trichlorfon 1 part and mix thoroughly, or add appropriate amount of pesticides with kimchi water, set in the adult period.    3 , black light traps adult.    4 , drug control: 90% crystal trichlorfon 1000 times liquid; 50% malathion EC 1000 ~ 1500 times liquid; 90% crystal trichlorfon 1500 times liquid plus 40% dimethoate 1500 times solution, time: larva 3 years old. Usage: Spray, spray 75kg per acre of good liquid . Pool LED Light for Concrete pool Pool Led Light For Concrete Pool,Swimming Pool Light,Waterproof Concrete Pool Light,Waterproof Led Strip Lights Guangzhou Qshine Pool Lights Manufacture Co., Ltd ,
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