LED lights are very popular in everyday life and can be found in rooms, offices, and streets. In addition to providing lighting for people, LED lights have no more powerful features. From the external station CNET reported that researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Research in Germany combined wireless networks and optics to turn common LED lights in the living room into network devices to help users receive or receive smart phones or computers. Is sending data. Allegedly, this technology development can use flashing LED lights to transmit data from the air, so that the transmission speed of 1000 megabits per second, and three different colors of LED lights, express different transmission data rates. Anagnostis Paraskevopoulos, a researcher at the institute, said that he personally believes that the initial use of the technology will be used in conference rooms, exhibitions, industrial production environments, and hospitals with more professional standards. However, he also said that such technology will lead to a series of problems. For example, if the LED lamp is powered by a battery, this means that the received signal will be better in the short range. Another problem is that strong sunlight can affect the signal receiver of the LED light, which corresponds to some damage to the LED device used outdoors. Its performance varies with distance, with a transmission speed of only 20 megabits per second outside the 20-meter range. In addition, such visible light communication also requires line-of-sight communication conditions. After all, light cannot have the ability to penetrate the wall. However, through the coordination of all the LED lights in the room, the user can still receive signals in any corner of the room. The limitation of this research and development is that not every user wants their own mobile phone or computer to receive signals. There must be a glowing LED on the top of the head. However, the research team said that in the future research and development or the introduction of infrared LED lights can not see the light. Louver Window Shutters,Aluminum Louver Window,Glass Louver Window,Adjustable Louver Window Lemon Building Material Co., Ltd. , https://www.lemonbuilding.com