The first national key basic research and development project (973 program) initiated by the project in 2010 and launched in China's microalgae energy direction in 2011, "The scientific basis for the large-scale preparation of microalgae energy," February 18 Jiaxing Technology, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province The city officially started. The project was jointly implemented by East China University of Science and Technology, Ocean University of China, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Jiangxi New Daze Industrial Group Co., Ltd. The project's supporting department is the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee. The supporting unit is East China University of Science and Technology. Professor Li Yuanguang, the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering of East China University of Science and Technology, is the chief scientist of the project. At present, the raw materials for biodiesel production depend on planting oil plants, palm trees, jatropha, and rapeseed. Due to the low oil and vegetable area yield, the development of biodiesel will inevitably occupy a large amount of arable land, affecting grain production. Microalgae, with its wide variety, wide distribution, and rapid propagation, is the simplest and oldest low-level plant. It can directly use sunlight, simple nutrients such as CO2 and N/P to rapidly grow and synthesize large amounts of fat in the cell (mainly Triglyceride) provides new oil resources for biodiesel production; at the same time, it can use our vast saline-alkali wasteland and other non-tillage lands to breed a new approach for the development of biodiesel. Although microalgae energy has broad prospects and unique advantages, it has been recognized at home and abroad. However, the research and development work in this field in the world has so far remained at the initial stage of experimental research and pilot verification, and both have encountered technological immaturity and caused costs. This bottleneck is high, and therefore microalgae energy has not yet been produced on a global scale and basic research is weak. The "Science Foundation for the Scaled Preparation of Microalgae Energy" project will aim to promote major breakthroughs in the core technologies for the large-scale production of microalgae energy, and will use the actual conditions for outdoor large-scale cultivation of microalgae as a background to enhance microalgae energy. The efficiency of each unit in a large-scale production system is the main line, and three key scientific issues in biology and engineering that need to be resolved from the cultivation of algae species to the establishment of a large-scale microalgae energy production system are studied: “Energy microalgae "Systematic biology mechanism of intracellular metabolism and oil synthesis and accumulation" "Material and energy transformation and environmental regulation rules of energy microalgae scale photoautotrophic culture" and "Microsatellite energy scale processing and system integration optimization principle". Focusing on the above issues, the project intends to systematically conduct in-depth studies on three levels of intracellular metabolic cognition, scale cultivation, energy product processing, and system integration optimization. The first aspect is the selection of algae species and the basic basal metabolism and regulation mechanisms of the cells themselves as the main research content; the second aspect is the study of the response and regulation mechanism of microalgae cells to the environment and the photobioreactor from the perspective of scale cultivation. Design principles and amplification laws, optimisation and amplification of light micronuclear autotrophic culture processes for energy microalgae; the third level is mainly from the processing of algae cells, oil extraction, biodiesel production, and the comprehensive utilization of non-oil components, etc. Training and processing system integration optimization perspectives, mining principles and methods to improve efficiency. The project includes "selective breeding principle and comprehensive evaluation system of energy microalgae superior algae strains", "metabolic network and system biology research on photosynthetic carbon fixation and oil accumulation of energy microalgae" "light based on light direction mixing and light attenuation characteristics Bioreactor Design and Amplification Principles "Environmental Response, Optimization and Amplification Principles of Energy Microalgae Scaled Photoautotrophic Culture Process" "Principles and Methods for Production of Energy Microalgae Harvesting, Oil Extraction and Biodiesel" and "Non-Greasing Group" "Resources utilization optimization and microalgae energy scale system integration" six topics. The project is expected to achieve a major breakthrough in the key scientific issues in the microscale production of microalgae energy by 2015, and provide a source of innovation for breakthroughs in industrialized technology bottlenecks. 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