There is a typical communication barrier in the machine factory. The robots run their respective brand-specific languages, while traditional CNC CNC machines read the G code generated by the CAM software. But what if you program the robot's controller to read the G code directly from the CAD/CAM program? The robot can acquire the functions of a CNC computer numerical control machine, including all 5-axis contour machining functions, and it can be programmed on any 3-axis or 5-axis workpiece by programming it for a few minutes. Current technology often requires hours or even days of programming before the robot is ready to start working. In addition, machining units, including these types of robots, offer a low-cost alternative to machining centers and routers for secondary part machining and eliminate the work area limitations of machine tools when machining large parts. Programming Plus () says its robotic processing unit turns this "what if" assumption into reality. The key to the robotic processing unit is the software developed by New Berlin, Wisc, which smoothly converts the G code generated by CAM for 5-axis machines into the code available for 6-axis robots. Tim Brooks, PPI's robot sales engineer, said that no other company in the world has done this. Programming Plus specializes in CAD/CAM, DNC and shop automation. Programming Plus uses Delcam () Power-Mill software to generate the G code for the Kuka Robotics () robot, which is supplied to its robotic processing unit (RMC). Since the unit works like a machine tool, the operator can turn the robot's shaft on or off, change the number of revolutions per minute, and determine speed and feed. Brooks said that so far, these functions cannot be performed because they are not under the control of the robot. Workshops often use traditional robots equipped with spindles to trim, cut and deburr around the contours of the part. But these workshops must “teach†the robots and move them to several points around the part. The more complex the part, the longer the professor's time. Teaching a robot to move from one part to another requires more professors. Robots in the robotic machining unit can move from one part to the next without teaching, and they can be moved within 30 minutes of preparation time, no matter how complex the parts are. If the operator is not satisfied with the robotic cutting path within the robotic machining unit, he can change the cutting path in the CAM system, or he can manually teach the change and insert it into the path, re-save the program and run it. In addition, because the robotic processing unit uses Delcam's PowerMill software, the shop can perform robot and part machining simulations to check for possible collisions and obstacles and perform interference checks before running the program. In addition, Brooks said his company's software will soon enable the shop to remotely monitor robots from the Internet via cameras. The Programming Plus software also provides additional convenience for the shop floor: solving singularity problems. A singularity problem occurs when all axes of the robot are close to zero. They increase the speed to keep up, they reach a point where they move too fast and, to some extent, they lock and stop. This situation is similar to a constant surface footage on a lathe. The problem is that the shop cannot predict where the singularity will occur. Fortunately, when the robotic processing unit software converts the G code to the robot, it evaluates whether the program has a physical configuration that may cause singularity. If any such physical configuration is found, the software modifies the program to eliminate them. Most workshops do not link 5-axis contour machining to robots, mainly because it takes a lot of time to teach all the necessary data points to the robot. Instead, the workshop uses a CNC computer numerically controlled machine. If they are large parts, they are divided into several pieces suitable for the machine and reassembled after cutting. In other words, the shop floor will remove the machine panel and the loading door to secure the part of the workpiece that needs to be cut to the machine, leaving the rest of the part floating or protruding from the side. The shop using the robotic machining unit can machine the entire part in one step, as the unit does not have a precisely defined work area like a machining center. Parts can be placed on the floor of the shop or they can be clamped to the workpiece holder on the workbench and they can be machined as long as they are ready to work within the reach of the robot. In some cases, the robot's extended length can be extended to 25 feet. The current ideal application for robotic machining units is an application involving large, complex parts that are to be machined on 4-axis or 5-axis machining centers, made of soft materials such as plastic, fiberglass, carbon fiber composites and prototypes. Made of materials used in the design. However, Brooks hopes that the company's robotic processing unit will be used to process soft metals by the end of this year. When machining metals, there are two factors that restrict most robots: accuracy and torque. On average, today's robots are accurate to 0.004 inches. Although most metal parts require precision machining, there are some applications where the accuracy of the robot can be accepted, for example, the roughing of the parts is ready to facilitate finishing on CNC machine tools. The increased torque required to machine soft metals can be obtained with a more powerful spindle, but the robot must be strong enough and strong enough to control those shafts, Brooks said. Programming Plus uses Kuka robots in its robotic processing unit, and Joe Campbell, director of strategic alliances at Kuka, said there are several technologies that support robotic machining. For example, companies such as Kuka are now building robots that are more mechanically rigid and stronger than ever. Tight tolerances in the wheel train reduce the tooth gap of the robot, while finite element analysis and computer simulation tools have helped eliminate the deflection of robot castings. Robots are smarter and show tight motion control, and manufacturers can improve their inaccuracies better than in the past. “We now have a robotic platform worthy of machining,†Campbell said. “It sounds like it’s no big deal, but compared to the size of the robot, today’s robots are quite strong and strong considering the size of the machine.†Kuka offers A variety of robots are used for machining, including its KR60-HA, KR210 and KR240 models. The KR60s are currently Kuka's most sophisticated robots because they use matching gear sets and other assembly techniques that calibrate them to facilitate high precision. Campbell explained that when machining hard metals, there is a trade-off between the material that the robot removes and the level of precision. For example, a workshop removes mold marks and castings from a die-cast motorcycle wheel. It may use a CNC computer numerically controlled machine, but this work is very suitable for robots because it requires precision and a small amount of material cutting. On the other hand, he said that cutting keyways on hard materials is not ideal for robots. “The robot can't do much of the work done on the machine. However, there are many workshops that use CNC CNC machines to perform secondary machining, and the robots are fully capable of doing these,†Campbell said. The KR210 and KR240 Kuka robots handle large loads. Although the milling machine spindle is not that heavy, the robot has powerful motor power to maintain position as it moves along the cutting path. “Machine machine builders talk about the horsepower of the machine tool spindle. We are concerned with the payload capacity of the robotics business,†Campbell said. The Kuka robot used in Programming Plus easily carries 30 and 40 hp spindles. Kuka's strongest robot can lift up to 1,100 pounds of payload within its 25-foot extension. The company is working on developing larger robots, and Campbell says they will trigger more possibilities in metal cutting applications. Other Kuka robots currently under trial have low moving speeds, but high torque and rigidity can further improve the material cutting capabilities of the robot. In machining applications, robots often use force and torque sensors to facilitate "perceiving" surface inconsistencies and incompleteness and to remove a minimal amount of material to correct them. For example, to combine the two surfaces together, the robot automatically adjusts the applied torque and force to help it avoid damaging the surface or cutting too much material from the part. The force and torque sensors are integrated into the elbow of the robot and the robot controller monitors their operation. The combination of sensors and controllers allows the user to specify the direction in which the robot applies force, Campbell said. A typical robotic machining unit consists of a robot with a 5 to 10 hp spindle, a covered tool changer with 10 tools, a device that determines the length of the loaded tool, and There is a laser system that positions the workpiece to simplify the preparation of the part to the part. The spindle size depends on the application. A Programming Plus system robot can automatically change the tool. Campbell said that it is common to change tools on the robot side. The company's standard milling head tool changer is straightforward and simple. This ability allows the unit robot to load itself. They remove the milling cutter, load the part into the unit, reinstall the tool and cut the part. “We have heard that the motivation for customers interested in RMC is production. Most CNC CNC machines, unless they are automated, have lower utilization rates, which means their milling heads are in preparation time and other non-cutting. Activities, not always spinning. Instead, our robotic machining units easily accommodate multiple parts in their work area, allowing the robot to move from one part to another in order to get a considerable amount of production with less capital. ," Campbell said.
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