Magnesium, as a necessary medium element for plants, plays an important role in plant metabolism and growth. Due to the high temperature and rain in the red soil region of southern China, the weathering of magnesium minerals in the soil and the leaching of magnesium in the soil are strong, resulting in weak soil magnesium supply, and the symptoms of magnesium deficiency in crops in many areas. The field results of 236 crops of 22 crops in five major categories: cash crops, oil crops, food crops, vegetable crops and fruits showed that the application of magnesium fertilizer in the soil can improve crop yield and quality. About 25% of dry land (including gardens, woodlands, and available barren hills) in southern red soils is deficient in magnesium, covering an area of ​​300 million mu. Generally, about 4 kg of magnesia is applied per mu, which can greatly improve the utilization efficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients, which can increase the yield by about 12% and increase the pure income by 60~125 yuan/mu. Calculated according to the average income of 80 yuan per mu, 300 million mu of magnesium-deficient dry land can create economic benefits of more than 24 billion yuan. The technical points for effective application of magnesium fertilizer are as follows:
1. Consider the effective magnesium content of soil: Magnesium fertilizer has a negative correlation with crop availability and soil available magnesium content. When the effective magnesium in the soil is less than 25 mg/kg, the yield increase of magnesium on soybeans, peanuts and tea leaves is large, ranging from 9.8% to 40.2%. When the soil available magnesium is less than 50 mg / kg, the application of magnesium fertilizer has different degrees of stimulation, an increase of 2.7% to 11.2%.
2. Consider the interaction between potassium and magnesium: the effect of magnesium application is restricted by the application of potassium in the soil. After a large amount of potassium is applied to the soil, the amount of magnesium in the soil is insufficient. The potassium and magnesium in the soil have a mutual restriction effect. The suitable ratio of potassium to magnesium is the basis for high yield and high efficiency. After repeated field trials, the suitable potassium and magnesium ratio is 3.3, cassava 5.1, peanut, soybean 2.1, jute, sweet potato 2.4, and watermelon 1.7.
3. Consider the crop type and magnesium fertilizer demand: the yield increase effect of magnesium fertilizer is related to the magnesium demand of different crops and the sensitivity to magnesium level. Flue-cured tobacco is sensitive by magnesium application, followed by rapeseed and soybean, and the sensitivity of wheat is low.
4. It is necessary to select suitable magnesium fertilizer varieties: the properties of different magnesium fertilizer varieties are different, and the application effects are different. Magnesium carbonate (magnesia powder) and magnesium oxide were best applied on red soil, and the dry matter yield of crops increased by 76.1% and 87.3%. Secondly, magnesium sulfate and sepiolite powder (magnesium-rich fibrous silicate) increased respectively. 31.0% and 22.5%; magnesium chloride is the worst.
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Solar Mounting Brackets For Pitched Roof

This type is widely applied for asphalt shingle roof.It highlights the easy and fast installation with solar roof flashing group.SunRack roof flashing is water tight and durable and compatible. This installation can easily accomplished with wood or using the RPS aluminum mounts. As with anything mounted on your roof, make sure to ground the panels well and attach in a secure and watertight manner.

The Tile Replacement Mount provides a fast and easy way to install solar on tile roofs while protecting against water intrusion. Simply remove the tile and replace it with the Tile Replacement Mount. Works with all standard curved and flat tile roofs, and all standard rail-based racking systems. Flashed at both the deck and top levels, the Tile Replacement Mount is fully engineered to meet code requirements and industry best practices. The Tile Replacement Mount features our patented Elevated Water Seal technology for optimal waterproofing. Base mount sold separately from flashing and post.
Tile Roof Mounting Features
1.Versatile: Works with Flat, S-shaped and W-shaped tiles
2.Flexible: Works with all standard rail-based racking systems
3.Simple and clean: No time-consuming, messy tile grinding or cutting
4.Flashings pre-treated and ready for paint, if desired

Our Composition Shingle Roof has been installed on pitched roofs and flat roofs, and is available in clear or black finish. With only one tool required, our composition shingle roof mount is a quick installation. With the flashing and sealing washers, you can be sure of a water-tight seal to protect your roof.

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