2 CNC communication interface software design

In the RCCNCS design, the MAHO CNC machine tool uses Philips' numerical control operating system, and the Philips CNC operating system has its own complete communication protocol. The Philips CNC operating system has two data communication protocols, the % protocol and the LSV/2 protocol. The % protocol is an ordinary communication protocol used for transferring the machining program up and down when the CNC is in the manual operation state, and cannot be used in remote operation. The LSV/2 communication protocol is a protocol provided by the Philips CNC operating system for remote operation. When using this communication protocol, the CNC is in remote control mode (DNC mode). At this point, the monitoring station's operation on the machine is exactly the same as the local manual operation. The communication interface program of this system adopts the LSV/2 protocol of Philips CNC system. The program flow of the monitoring station computer sending data is shown in Figure 3.

Each frame of data sent by the sender includes frame header DLE (ASCII code 10H) STX (ASCII code O2H), data segment (up to 120 ASII characters) and frame tail DLE (10H) ETX (03H) and by putting these characters The check digit obtained after the XOR operation. After receiving a frame of data, the receiver performs frame check first. If the check result is the same as the received check bit, the frame data is received. Otherwise, the sender is required to resend the frame data.

The current visual programming language Visual C++ and Visual Basic have standardized serial communication application components (MS Comm components). According to the above communication protocol, the corresponding monitoring software can be developed to realize the control of the machining center CNC system by the workstation on the local area network.

3 PC hardware monitoring station control software and hardware implementation

The PC monitoring station connected to Industrial Ethernet realizes the operation and control of the CNC system of the machining center, which provides a good foundation for remote control. After the development of the monitoring software is completed, as long as a remote control application software capable of running based on TCP/IP is found and the relevant access rights and user passwords are set, the operation of the remote host to the local PC monitoring station can be realized.

The system remote control software uses Symantec pcAnywhere32. The application software is powerful, as long as the settings are correct, the remote PC can use the software to implement a local computer controlled by the Internet, thereby achieving the purpose of remotely controlling the machining center CNC system. pcAnywhere32 is the ideal solution for remote control, file transfer and general communication. As long as the PCAnywhere32 software is running on both PCs, it can remotely control another PC from one PC, transfer files on two PCs and synchronize folders, connect various online services, and establish a connection to the network. And become a node on the network, the protocol used by pcAnywhere32 is TCP/IP, the setting running on the WAN is very simple, and the physical connection device used is the ordinary network physical layer device.

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Optical Prisms

A prism is a transparent optical element with flat, polished surfaces that refract light. At least two of the flat surfaces must have an angle between them. The exact angles between the surfaces depend on the application,prism: In optics, piece of glass or other transparent material cut with precise angles and plane faces, useful for analyzing and reflecting light.

Dispersive prism can be used to break light up into it's constituent spectral colors(the color of the rainbow).Furthermore, prisms can be used to reflect light or to split light into components with different polarizations.

Optical Prism include Right angle prism.Equilateral dispersing prism.Dove Prism.Corner Cube Reflectors.Beamsplitter, Powell prism, dove prism, wedge prism, penta prism etc.

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