Online auction is a market economic process that takes the Internet as the platform and competitive price as the core, establishes the communication and interaction mechanism between producers and consumers, and jointly determines the price and quantity to achieve equilibrium. The so-called online auction refers to the price negotiation and trading activities carried out on the Internet, that is, the use of the Internet to publicly publish the information of the goods or services to be tendered on the website, and sell it to the highest or lowest bidder through competitive bidding. Its essence is a market economic process that takes competitive price as the core, establishes the communication and interaction mechanism between producers and consumers, and jointly determines the price and quantity, so as to achieve equilibrium. Online Auction,Online Auctions,Online Auction Antiques,Adesa Online Auction The universe in the stone is great ,
The universal joint cross pin (Fig. 1) has high processing precision requirements, and the end face verticality and symmetry requirements are strict, and it is difficult to process on the cylindrical grinding machine. To this end, we designed and manufactured a special fixture for grinding the cross pin end face on the M7140 surface grinder. The end face symmetry is guaranteed to be no more than 0.009 mm and the perpendicularity is less than 0.008 mm.