Comprehensive experience in chemical weeding in wheat fields should distinguish the seedlings of different wheats and the different sorghum substrates of wheat. Different chemical herbicides are used, and the following herbicides are available.

1. 6.9% Hummer suspension or 10% Hummer EC. It can prevent a variety of monocotyledon weeds. Use 6.9 骠 horse gel suspension 40-80 ml per acre, or 10% hummer emulsifiable concentrate, 30-50 ml, spray 30 kg with water. The spraying time is preferably 3-5 leaf stage of wheat.

Second, 百甲合剂. It can prevent a variety of broad-leaved weeds, especially weeds that are difficult to control, such as piglets and spring crickets. Use 48% of paraquat water agent 10-12 ml per acre, add 20% 2 to 4 chlorine water agent 125-150 ml, spray 30 kg with water. Spraying time is from the 3rd leaf stage of wheat to before the jointing. The mixture should only be applied to crops that are rice cultivars.

Third, 75% superstar dry suspension. It can prevent a variety of broadleaf weeds. Use 1-2 grams per acre and spray 30 kilograms with water. The spraying time is preferably 3-5 leaf stage of wheat.

Four, 20% make it a cream. It can prevent a variety of broad-leaved weeds, especially the weeds that are difficult to prevent. 60-100 ml per acre, sprayed with 20 kg of water. The spraying time is preferably 3-5 leaf stage of wheat.

5. Toluene mixture. It can prevent a variety of broadleaf weeds. Use 20% 2% 4 chlorine water agent 125 ml per acre and add 48% 48% bentazon water to 100 ml, spray with 30 kg of water, spray time before wheat tillering before jointing. The mixture should only be applied to crops that are rice cultivars.

In order to improve the effect of herbicides on weeds in wheat fields, the following points should be noted in the utilization of ecological environment: First, we must look at the soil moisture, and when we are not enough, we should increase the amount of water appropriately. The second is to choose sunny weather application; the third is to choose the temperature when the temperature is around 20 °C; the fourth is to choose the weatherless or breezy weather medication to prevent phytotoxicity to surrounding crops.
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