1. Organic mercury preparations. Such as Xi Lisheng, Sai Li San, Fu Tuolong, mercury, etc., such pesticides are highly toxic to humans and livestock, such as pesticides in contact with the skin during application, especially when in contact with the wound or when injecting from the nostrils It is easy to accumulate in the human body.

Second, organic phosphorus preparations. Such as 1065, 1059, 3911, phorate, etc., such pesticides are more toxic to humans and animals. It can enter the body directly through the mouth to cause human poisoning, and can also enter the human body through skin penetration and respiratory tract to cause human poisoning.

Third, organic chlorine preparations. The six pesticides of BHC and DDT are less toxic, but because of their stable nature, they are not easily decomposed in organisms and soils. The vegetables that have been given these two pesticides are often consumed, and their residual poisons accumulate in the human body, which is easy to cause. Chronic poisoning.

In order to protect people's health and control vegetable pests, it is necessary to select pesticides with high efficiency, low toxicity and short residual period, such as trichlorfon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, marathon, imipenem, carbendazim, and thiophanate. Although these pesticides are less toxic, they must also strictly comply with the regulations for the market to be harvested 7 to 10 days after the application of the vegetables.
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