The working conditions specified by the orifice flowmeter standard are the reference working conditions. These conditions can be met in the laboratory, but it is more difficult to fully satisfy the conditions under the field conditions. It can be said that it deviates from the standard requirements of the Institute. Inevitably, it is necessary to estimate the degree of deviation of the orifice flowmeter at this time, and it is better if appropriate compensation (correction) can be performed, otherwise the estimated measurement error must be increased.
Orifice flowmeters can not run better, and it is very important to use them correctly to meet the design accuracy requirements. Although the design, manufacture, and installation of the orifice flowmeter are all in compliance with the requirements of the standard, if you do not pay attention to the use of the orifice flowmeter, it may be impossible to use it and the use will completely lose its effect.
Orifice flowmeters are installed in the harsh workplaces of the site. After long-term operation, some changes will occur in the pipelines or throttling devices, such as clogging, scaling, abrasion, and corrosion. The detectors rely on the structural shape and size to maintain the accuracy of the signal, so any geometric shape and dimensional changes will bring additional errors. Changes in measurement error are not noticeable from the signal, so it is important to check the test piece regularly. Orifice plate flowmeter can determine the inspection cycle according to the condition of the measuring medium. The length of the cycle cannot be used as a unified rule. The user should be determined according to his own specific situation, and some may also have to explore a period of use time to be able to know.

Control Valve

Control Valve,Flow Control Valve,Pressure Control Valve,Directional Control Valve