Researchers at the University of Poitiers in France and the National Institutes of Science (CNRS) have designed a quantum thermal transistor that can control the heat flow as an electronic transistor controls the current. It can collect and recycle waste heat from power stations and other energy systems. Although there is currently a method of transferring and guiding the residual heat, the heat flow cannot be effectively controlled and the quantum thermal transistor accomplishes this.

According to the report of the Physicist Organization Network on May 31st, although this is not the first thermal transistor, it is the first thermal transistor made of quantum objects, while other thermal transistors are mostly made of macroscopic materials such as solid or phase change materials. This quantum thermal transistor consists of three binary systems, which can operate through spins. There are two states, upper and lower, and each spin system can control the heat flow to the other two flows.

In a recent paper published in the Physical Review Letters, researchers pointed out that the thermal transistor is a quantum system consisting of three interacting subsystems, each of which is coupled with a thermal reservoir. This kind of thermal transistor is like an electronic triode. When the base is heated, the collector and emitter can control the collection and emission of heat.

Researchers have theoretically demonstrated that transistors can convert spins between two states, creating transistor effects that modulate, amplify, and control heat flow. In the future, such transistors can be used to control heat flow in a variety of quantum nanodevices.

Carl Elain, a researcher at Poitiers University, said: “People can use electronic diodes, transistors and amplifiers to manage currents and hope to manage heat flow in the same way. We want to create a logical thermal circuit, just like people design logic. Circuits, in this way, to guide, amplify, switch or modulate the residual heat." He said that their future plan is to optimize the equipment and find partners for quantum level experiments. (Reporter Chang Lijun)

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