Beta-cypermethrin, commonly known as beta cypermethrin, is a type of insecticide. How much do you know about beta-cypermethrin? The pesticide network is described in detail from the role of beta-cypermethrin and the attention project. Beta-cypermethrin is a broad-spectrum insecticide with high insecticidal activity against many species of pests. Can be applied to a variety of fruit trees, a variety of vegetables, grain and cotton oil tea and other crops and a variety of forest trees, a variety of traditional Chinese medicine plants, temples, re-distribution, tobacco budworm, cotton bollworm, diamondback moth, beet armyworm, Spodoptera litura, tea Ulmus, Red Bollworm, Aphid, Liriomyza, Beetle, Oyster, Hibiscus, Thrips, Carnivores, Leaf Moth, Caterpillar, Moth, Citrus Leaf Moth, Red Wax, etc. A variety of pests have a good killing effect. Note on the use of beta-cypermethrin: Strictly follow the pesticide safety practices when using. Now with the current use, it can not be placed for a long time after dilution with water. Avoid powder and liquid contaminated skin and eyes. Wash your hands and face after spraying. Use with caution in young livestock and poultry. Do not pollute water sources, ponds, mulberry fields, or bee yards. Store in a cool, dry place away from children, food and feed. This product has no special antidote. If you eat it, please seek medical advice immediately. Tips: When exposure to beta-cypermethrin is high, it can cause headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, trembling of hands, convulsions or convulsions, coma, and shock. No special antidote, can be symptomatic treatment, can not use atropine, can be gastric swab when swallowed in large quantities. Ball Valve,Pvc Ball Valve,Ball Check Valve,Threaded Ball Valve Haogong Valve Co Ltd ,