The science and technology dynamics Internet of Things refers to a huge network that is formed through the integration of the Internet by collecting all kinds of information that needs monitoring, connecting, and interacting objects or processes in real time through various information sensing devices. Its purpose is to achieve the connection between things and things, things and people, all the items and the network, to facilitate identification, management and control.

The concept of the Internet of Things was first proposed in 1998. At that time, the MIT Institute of Technology in the United States creatively proposed the concept of the “Internet of Things” called the Electronic Product Code (EPC) system. By 2008, IBM put forward the concept of "Smart Earth" to raise the Internet of Things to the level of the US national strategy and triggered the pursuit of the Internet of Things in all countries of the world.

The European Union has officially established the Internet of Things as a strategic development plan for European information and communications technology. In 2008, the European Internet of Things Conference developed a roadmap for the European Internet of Things policy. In 2009, the European Commission formally issued a number of authoritative documents, in particular the "EU Internet of Things Action Plan."

Environmental Internet of Things is an extension of the Internet of Things in the field of environmental protection. What are the explorations and applications of Europe and the United States in environmental protection Internet of things?

Urban Real-time Monitoring Wireless Sensor Network - City Sense, USA

City Sense is a wireless sensor network project funded by the National Science Foundation of the United States and developed jointly by Harvard University and BBN Corporation to report real-time monitoring data for the entire city.

City Sense installed sensors on the street lights in Cambridge, Massachusetts, using the street light's power supply system as the sensor's running power source, which solved the limitation of the battery life for the operation of the wireless sensor network and was conducive to long-term environmental monitoring tests. Each node will contain a built-in PC and an unlimited LAN interface. Using WiFi wireless network technology, the monitoring information will be transmitted back to the monitoring center. The monitoring information includes pressure, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, and rainfall intensity. , CO2, noise, then provide users with City Sense website information query.

City Sense meshes each node with its neighboring nodes to connect remote nodes scattered throughout the city to central servers located at Harvard University and BNN. Using a small radio with a 1-mile range in this network, any node can download software or upload sensor data from a remote server center. In addition, according to Microsoft's Virtual Earth and Sensor Map technology, the site's data will be overlaid on the map. The public and scholars can track the spread of pollutants through the website and conduct long-term monitoring to study air pollution solutions.

City Sense collects data of unprecedented scale, and the future uses of sensors will present a variety of possibilities, from sensors that calculate atmospheric pollutants to microphones that measure noise pollution, even through mobile sensors on cars and buses. information.

   Eutrophication Monitoring and Response Platform - MARVIN, USA

Florida Marine Research Organization of USA established a sensing platform called MARVIN. The goal of MARVIN sensing is to provide instant water quality information based on changes in water quality related to harmful algal eutrophication. The water quality monitoring items include pH, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, conductivity, chlorophyll concentration, turbidity, nitrate and phosphate. , water level, water velocity and direction, photosynthetic radiation energy in water, and all-optical items. These sensors are installed in a pontoon and equipped with a weather tower that monitors wind speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity, pressure and rainfall.

MARVIN's information transmission method is to use sensors to collect monitoring data information, and then transmit signals through antennas to satellites and mobile phones to provide remote information. The MARVIN platform is usually sampled twice an hour, then returns the data via satellite every hour or every three hours.

The MARVIN platform requires manual maintenance every two weeks, and maintenance personnel will use traditional sampling and analysis methods to collect data for calibrating MARVIN platform data during post-processing. In addition to FMRI laboratory researchers, MARVIN data can also help modelers observe water circulation and Clushaqi River biological systems, help captains and emergency management personnel to keep abreast of real-time water quality, help visitors predict if red tides will appear, and help The search and rescue team understands the visibility of water flow and helps students learn about the biosphere.

Garbage Collection Rewards System - US Rewards for Recycling

Richfield Management, a waste treatment and collection company in southern Michigan, launched a new project, Rewards for Recycling. The project uses RFID technology (radio frequency technology) to provide residents of garbage recycling with discounts at local hotels or retail outlets for incentive purposes.

The system encapsulates the label in a strong, highly adhesive housing. Labels are affixed to the front and back of the trash. The two RFID tags in the bin contain the same unique ID code. As the garbage collection truck moves along the collection route, a reader installed inside the vehicle reads the ID code of each bin label. The reader is connected to a touch screen computer in the cab. The computer contains a GPS receiver. Universal Tracking Systems designed and implemented the system and developed software to collect reader tag data and GPS coordinates for each tag reading and truck. The software can use this data to upgrade the garbage collection records of households in a central database.

Six months after the launch of the project, a total of 80,000 households have joined the six townships in Genesee and Oakland counties in Michigan. In some areas such as Davidson, the garbage collection rate has risen from 18% to 50%.

Wearable Wireless Sensor Monitoring System - Sensaris, France

French Sensaris has developed a wearable wireless sensor that can be worn on the wrist. The sensor incorporates a Global Positioning System (GPS), and in which a Bluetooth transmission device is installed. The Bluetooth-equipped mobile phone receives the sensor monitoring information, and then uploads the information to the local central server via the mobile Internet access function. Therefore, both pedestrians and cyclists can use this device. This device allows the public to monitor and report noise and air quality information, and share the latest information to users via the Internet.

Currently, this sensor provides noise and ozone monitoring capabilities and has been deployed on a large scale in the Paris region to construct an immediate map of contaminated areas. Future Sensaris plans to increase the monitoring of other air pollutants, including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

Air Quality Sensor Network - Spain OSIRIS

OSIRIS is an integrated plan under the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) of the European Union. It is an integrated information infrastructure for the effective management of the environment in Europe. The main goal is to develop and test environmental monitoring and disaster prevention processing, through the deployment of improved Sensing network, the use of on-site monitoring system to achieve monitoring and disaster prevention results. OSIRIS covers three phases of on-site monitoring systems, data integration and information management, and service. OSRIS conducted experiments in four scenarios: air quality and pollution, groundwater pollution, forest fires, and industrial building fires.

Taking the air quality sensor network as an example, it can be divided into two situations: air quality monitoring and air pollution monitoring. This simulation demonstration area is Valladolid, Spain. Air quality monitoring monitors CO, CO2, NO, NO2, O3, and meteorological factors through nine fixed air quality monitoring stations (located at the top of the building) through sensors placed on top of buses. Mobile monitoring of NO, NO2 and other concentrations and noise pollution. At the appropriate time, the monitoring data is transmitted wirelessly to the monitoring center, and combined with the information of the nearby fixed weather stations to carry out follow-up pollutant diffusion simulation prediction analysis, and the data is integrated and displayed on the map as a decision unit. Early warning system.

The air pollution scenario was simulated in the suburbs of Valladolid, where overturning accidents occurred in trains carrying toxic chemicals, resulting in the spread of toxic substances. Upon receiving the alarm, OSRIS will send a micro-mannered air vehicle with a sensor to the site of the incident to sample the air pollutants. The unmanned aerial vehicle will communicate with the monitoring center through the ground control station and the OSRIS system and transmit information, and at the same time collect The real-time image and weather information are analyzed by the diffusion simulation team to generate a space-time simulation map that generates the diffusion of toxic gas, so that the monitoring center can assess the extent of the disaster and the areas to be evacuated.

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