How to distinguish the quality of aluminum Fangtong powder quality aluminum square pass powder directly determines the decorative effect and color effect of aluminum square pass. Then how to distinguish aluminum powder? GUANGDONG LAVIUS LIGHTING CO., LTD. ,
The first means the detection instrument. This test is very scientific and very formal. It includes many testing items. Such as particle fineness, uniformity, high temperature resistance, aluminum impact and so on. This test can achieve 100% inspection and inspection results. It is the most effective. However, not every customer or merchant must bring a powder or aluminum square pass product to the testing company for testing. This requires us to adopt a relatively simple and practical method.
Second, visual inspection, feel. This method is the simplest. Visual inspection is to carefully observe the color uniformity of the aluminum square pass surface with or without color difference. Obvious chromatic aberration is easily observed. There are no spots, if there are spots, it proves that the quality of the aluminum powder itself is not enough. Feel, generally good aluminum powder sprayed out of the even and delicate, smooth feel, and vice versa, rough, feel less.
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