Landing probes have been using wheels to move around, but their movement is blocked by sand pits, steep slopes and mixed rock areas. The colliders will skip these obstacles to reach a safe and even surface. This research team is from the University of Leicester and Astagim Space Company. They proposed a probe vehicle design driven by isotope thermal energy rocket engines.

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Carbon dioxide will be extracted from the Martian air and compressed for liquefaction. The liquid carbon dioxide is drawn into a chamber and exposed to the intense heat of the radioactive source, and then carbon dioxide erupts through a pipe.

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Data calculations show that this thrust can make a heavy spacecraft jump out of a distance of 900 meters at a time. Hugo Williams of the University of Leicester’s Center for Space Research said: “The advantage of this approach is that you can move more freely and with greater mobility.”

You can imagine jumping in craters and canyons, and collecting samples from tens of kilometers away. Researchers have been studying in detail how gas compression systems work and how to build machine legs. The latter is the key to the entire design.

The legs of current planetary landers tend to use crushable honeycomb materials to mitigate impacts upon landing. If you don't want to move again, that's great, but the colliders need a retrievable landing pad so that it can make repeated landings.

The current research has been sponsored by the European Space Agency. Researchers have drafted a design for a collapsible robot weighing 1,000 kg. It has a leg span of about 4 meters and the body is about 2.5 meters wide. In this design, it must be able to carry at least 20 kilograms of scientific instruments. The study also puts forward many areas that need to be studied. For example, it takes a few weeks to collect and compress the carbon dioxide system to collect the usable propulsion volume.

If you want to be practical, this process needs a lot of shortening. Mike Williams, a mission system engineer at Astagim Space, said: "Although we have discovered some limitations of various technologies, I think we have confirmed that such a task is feasible."

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