Food safety issues have attracted worldwide attention. Vegetables are one of the essential foods for people every day. The safety of vegetables is an important guarantee for the safety of ordinary people. Nowadays, consumers are increasingly demanding safe, high-quality, nutritious vegetables, that is, pollution-free vegetables. Polymycin is such an excellent bio-pesticide variety that meets the requirements of green food production and is suitable for large-scale application in the production of pollution-free vegetables. Plastic Headlight,Polishing Plastic Headlights,Car Plastic Headlight,Defog Plastic Headlights NINGBO ZHENGUO INTELLINGENT LIGHTING CO.,LTD ,
Polymycins, also known as polyoxytetracycline, pluriticmycin, polyoxygen, Baoliang, Baolian, Baolimycin. Polyantimycin is easily soluble in water, insoluble in organic solvents such as methanol and acetone, stable to ultraviolet light and in acidic and neutral solutions, unstable in alkaline solution, and stable at room temperature. Low toxicity to higher animals, low toxicity to fish and bees. The control subjects have good control effects on cucumber downy mildew, powdery mildew, ginseng black spot, apple pear gray spot and rice sheath blight. Polyoxomycin combines many advantages such as economy, safety, effectiveness, stability and quick-acting, and is a new type of biological pesticide that conforms to the modern environmental protection trend.
Polyoxomycin, which plays an important role in the prevention and control of pests and diseases, plays an increasingly important role in agricultural production in China, especially in the production of pollution-free vegetables.