Shijiazhuang Aluminum Fangtong Market Analysis Hebei Shijiazhuang is 200 kilometers away from Beijing, which is arguably the nearest provincial capital city to Beijing. However, for Alcan Fangtong, the overall consumption of Shijiazhuang is still very low, and the demand is not very high. The overall consumption price of Shijiazhuang Alfangtong is relatively low. Except for the products produced by some small local workshops in Hebei, the main source of aluminum in Tongjiazhuang is Beijing. Beijing film-coated aluminum Fangtong entered the Shijiazhuang market and caused a great impact on local products. Inventronics Led Driver,Waaterproof Led Driver,Waterproof Inventronics Led Drive,150W Inventroncis Led Driver MT-LIGHTING ,
The price of coated aluminum square pass is low and the quality is also good. It is also rich in product specifications and colors, which is convenient for customers to choose. Beijing's geographical advantage to Shijiazhuang is also obvious. It is enough to buy one meter of aluminum square pass from Beijing and add 1 cent. Other places do not have such a big advantage, transportation costs are too high, it is a very difficult choice for the Shijiazhuang aluminum square market. The current situation of Shijiazhuang Aluminum Fangtong Market reflects the fact that the local consumption level in Shijiazhuang is still at a low level.
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