According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency," the news, a farm of Taiwan's Executive Yuan Agriculture Committee released a vegetable inoculation technology of Trichoderma, can improve the field survival rate, such as the survival rate of tomato seedlings up to 95%. Taichung District Agricultural Improvement Field pointed out that in summer, Taiwan is hot and humid, and vegetables are easily infected by various pathogens such as bacteria, wilt pathogens, whitefly, Rhizoctonia solani, and bacterial wilt, resulting in poor quality and yield. Less. The field side stated that the inoculation of Trichoderma at the seedling stage of crops can overcome the infection of pathogenic bacteria. If the automatic plug seedling system is used, once inoculation at the nursery stage, the field survival rate can be increased, the growth can be promoted, and the yield and quality can be improved. The field side took the tomato seedlings as an example to illustrate that the survival rate of the general transplanting method is about 6 to 70%. If the chemical agent is not sprayed, the survival rate is lower; the inoculation of Trichoderma can increase the survival rate to 95% to 100%, and enhance the plant resistance to flooding. Adversity and the reduction of root diseases can help flowering, extend the harvest period by 1 to 2 months, and increase production by 20% to 30%.
Steel pole
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