Chen Jiazhen, a Chinese industrial designer who studied in Australia, has designed a set of innovative super firefighter protective equipment that uses exoskeleton equipment to increase the strength and capabilities of firefighters and provide firefighters with disaster relief. protection. This set of exoskeleton equipment can be directly "wearing" outside the firemen's uniform, weighing 23 kilograms and 160 centimeters high and capable of independently bearing 91 kilograms of load. After the exoskeleton equipment on board, the weight of the equipment on the firefighters was directed to the ground through the "shoes" of the exoskeleton to relieve the firefighters. The exoskeleton design can carry a variety of disaster relief necessities. According to the purpose of disaster relief, it is divided into two versions: the “Firefield Pioneer†model and the “First Rescue†model. The former has a pulsed water gun and an oxygen cylinder behind it, which can provide a two-hour independent search capability for firefighters who first rush into the fire. The "First Rescue" model is equipped with portable medical kits and strong needle-nose pliers that can find the survivors through the collapsed ruins. Designer Chen Jiazhen (transliteration) said that this "super energy Fire Fighting Equipment" is designed to provide better protection for high-altitude firefighters and increase their rescue capacity. When performing aerial rescue missions, once a dangerous situation occurs at the top of a skyscraper and exceeds the rescue distance of a ladder or a high-pressure water gun, firefighters must physically enter the building where the fire is taking place. The exoskeleton design greatly enhances the firefighter's ability to perform individual combat. In reality, firefighters must be equipped with more than ten pieces of equipment including flashlights, water hoses, and strong ropes. However, with the exoskeleton "combat suits," the weight of firefighters' equipment can be reduced. The exoskeleton is equipped with a built-in computer to assist each joint movement, allowing firefighters to respond flexibly during disaster relief. The “combat suit†has installed an energy supply system in the joints at the ankles, and the firm lower body has become a load-bearing pillar for fire fighters. The left forearm part of the exoskeleton "combat suit" is equipped with a powerful gun head that can be connected to the hose at any time. The "combat suit" can hold the forearm and provide support strength and stability, so that firefighters can better control the high pressure water gun. In the absence of a rescue mission, the exoskeleton "combat suit" can be stored upright in a fire truck, and it will not occupy too much space. It can also allow firefighters to quickly dress up and fight when they are in danger. Copyright Statement: This article is reproduced from online media and represents only the author's opinion. It has nothing to do with this site. If news articles and comments infringe your legal rights, please call us and we will handle it in a timely manner.
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