Nowadays, many families are popular with wallpapers, which are both beautiful and have the effect of insulation protection. If you want the wallpaper to be clean and tidy for a long time, proper maintenance is essential. Wallpaper blistering: wallpaper blistering is a common problem, mainly due to the unevenness of the glue applied to the wallpaper, which causes the surface of the wallpaper to contract and the excess moisture in the base layer, resulting in some built-in bubbles. In fact, the solution is very simple. Just use a normal sewing needle to pierce the air bubbles on the surface of the wallpaper, release the gas, then use a needle to draw a proper amount of adhesive into the pinhole. Finally, re-flatten and dry the wallpaper. Just fine. The wallpaper is moldy: the mildew of the wallpaper generally occurs in the rainy season and wet weather, mainly because the wall is too moist. The solution to the wallpaper that is not too serious for mildew is as follows: wipe it with a white towel and apply a proper amount of water, or wipe it with soapy water. The best way is to go to the wallpaper shop to buy a special mold remover. Wallpaper curling: The edge of the wallpaper may be caused by the uncleanness of the base layer, the adhesiveness of the adhesive is too low, or the edge of the wallpaper with a corner is less than 2mm. Solution: Use the rubber powder attached to the wallpaper and wipe it on the curling edge. , smooth the lifting position, blow with a hair dryer for about 10 seconds, and then press the hand until it is firmly adhered, and blow it dry with a hair dryer. Wipe the wallpaper: Wipe the dirty area with a damp cloth or a dry cloth; do not contaminate the wallpaper with some colored materials, otherwise it will be difficult to remove; wipe the wallpaper should start at some avoidable corners or behind the door to avoid bad The reaction caused the wallpaper to be damaged. Tape Measure,Metal Tape Measure,Measuring Tape,Gauging Tape Henan Liangjin Tools Co.,Ltd ,