Because rattan furniture is lighter and easier to handle, it is often used to make outdoor furniture. For the outdoor furniture made of this natural material, the maintenance is particularly important. It is understood that when buying outdoor furniture, we must first pay attention to whether the surface is treated with anti-corrosion treatment, because the temperature in the outdoor is relatively easy to move because the weight of the rattan furniture is light, so it is often used to make outdoor furniture. For the outdoor furniture made of this natural material, the maintenance is particularly important. It is understood that when purchasing outdoor furniture, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the surface has been treated with anti-corrosion treatment, because the temperature and humidity in the outdoor are relatively changed relatively, so the anti-corrosion treatment or painting treatment on the surface of the furniture can enhance the moisture-proof ability. In addition, in addition to rattan furniture, the same method can be used to enhance the moisture resistance of wooden outdoor furniture. After purchasing such furniture, consumers can also apply a layer of transparent paint or anti-corrosive paint, and then every two or three. It can be reapplied once a month to extend the useful life. For outdoor furniture, it must be exposed to the natural environment to withstand the wind and the sun, this reason, easy to care has become one of the prerequisites for the purchase of outdoor furniture, and rattan furniture because of the rattan It is made, so the meticulousness of its preparation determines the convenience of its cleaning. Therefore, consumers should be reminded to check whether the manufacturing process of rattan furniture is meticulous and whether the arrangement of rattan is flat. However, if placed outdoors for a long time, these furniture will appear more or less deformed and faded. Therefore, when selecting rattan outdoor furniture, it is best to decide on the specific use occasion. 1: 2: 3: Html 4: 5: 6: .html 7: 8: Edit: (Hardware Business Opportunities Network Information Center)
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