First, water-soluble phosphate fertilizer.
It is mainly used in calcium and calcium perphosphate and ammonium phosphate (ammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate), and is suitable for various soils and various crops, but is preferably used in neutral and calcareous soils. Among them, ammonium phosphate is a nitrogen-phosphorus binary compound fertilizer, and the phosphorus content is high, which is 3-4 times that of nitrogen. When applied, except for legume crops, most crops must be directly applied with nitrogen fertilizer, and the proportion of nitrogen and phosphorus should be adjusted. Otherwise, it will cause waste or reduce production due to improper application of nitrogen and phosphorus.
Second, miscible phosphate fertilizer. It refers to nitrophosphate fertilizer, which is also a nitrogen-phosphorus binary compound fertilizer, which is most suitable for application in dry land. It is easy to cause denitrification loss in paddy field and acid soil application.
Third, 枸 soluble phosphate fertilizer. Including calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, calcium hydrogen phosphate, precipitated phosphate fertilizer and steel slag phosphate fertilizer. This type of phosphate fertilizer is insoluble in water, but is dissolved in weak acid in the soil and is absorbed and utilized by crops. In the calcareous alkaline soil, it combines with the calcium in the soil to convert to the poorly soluble phosphoric acid, reducing the effectiveness of phosphorus, and therefore, is suitable for application in acidic soil.
Fourth, poorly soluble phosphate fertilizer. Such as phosphate rock powder, bone powder, etc., only soluble in strong acid, insoluble in water. After being applied to the soil, it relies mainly on the acid in the soil to slowly dissolve it, which becomes a form that the crop can utilize. The fertilizer effect is very slow, but the aftereffect is very long. It is suitable for use as acid fertilizer in base soil. It can also be applied with organic fertilizer heap rot or with chemical acid and physiological acid fertilizer. The effect is better.

Huaxian County Fertilizer Station Zhao Dongli
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Microscope Cover

The cover glass is covered on the material on the glass slide, which can avoid the contact between the liquid and the objective lens, so as not to contaminate the lens, and can make the top of the observed cells in the same plane, that is, the distance from the objective lens is the same, so that the observed Images are clearer.Why do you need a coverslip when using a microscope

1. Make the object to be observed form a thin film, which is easy to transmit light and easy to observe;
2. Make the specimen relatively fixed;
3. It is convenient to use the capillary phenomenon to form a gradient when adding various reagents (staining agent, acid, salt solution);
4. Avoid contamination of the specimen.

The purpose of staining the specimen with iodine solution is to make the cells more obvious under the microscope, and it can also kill the cells and prevent the cells from migrating.

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