We're no stranger to using a stand-type protective mask with a hard hat. This kind of protective mask can be removed and used alone. However, there are some installation methods used with the hard hat and it's not very clear to see: 1, first of all to choose a suitable helmet to wear, remove the protective mask 305 bracket and put it on the predetermined helmet. Copyright Statement: This article is reproduced from online media and represents only the author's opinion. It has nothing to do with this site. If news articles and comments infringe your legal rights, please call us and we will handle it in a timely manner. There are two principal neodymium magnet manufacturing methods: Bonded Ndfeb Magnet Bonded Ndfeb Magnet,Permanent Bonded Ndfeb Magnet,Compression Bonded Ndfeb Magnets,Bonded Ndfeb Magnets Jinyu Magnet (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. , https://www.magnetbonwin.com
2. Make sure that the helmet and bracket slot assembly is in place when assembling. Adjust the appropriate position and fix it according to the situation.
3. Take out the face mask and remove the protective film above and place it on the bracket to ensure that all the latches are locked. There are various latest protective masks quotes.
4. When using, care should be taken that the product may be seriously affected by the heat of the refractive index of the line of sight, affecting the wearer's field of vision should be as far away from the temperature and the environment is too high, can not be directly near the heat source is too high.
5, in the use of the product must determine the stability, wear before you carefully check the integrity is intact.
6. Protective masks exist in dry, clean, air-flowing warehouses or security tool cabinets.
Prevent dampness and overheating. The validity period is five years. More than five years should be used according to the situation. It is forbidden to wear a protective mask that has been damaged.
ï‚·Classical powder metallurgy or sintered magnet process
ï‚·Rapid solidification or bonded magnet process
Bonded NdFeB Magnet is made by evenly mixing neodymium iron boron powder with resin, plastics and low melting point metal and so oncaking agents, then made the boron permanent magnet of compound neodymium iron by methods such as compressing, pushing or injecting shaping. The products take shape once, do not need processing again and can be made into various complicated forms derectly. All directions of the Bonded Ndfeb Magnet are magnetic, and can be processed into compression moulds and injetion moulds.
Bonded Ndfeb Magnets are prepared by melt spinning a thin ribbon of the NdFeB alloy. The ribbon contains randomly oriented Nd2Fe14B nano-scale grains. This ribbon is then pulverized into particles, mixed with a polymer, and either compression- or injection-molded into bonded magnets. Bonded magnets offer less flux intensity than sintered magnets, but can be net-shape formed into intricately shaped parts, as is typical with Halbach arrays or arcs, trapezoids and other shapes and assemblies (e.g. Pot Magnets, Separator Grids, etc.). There are approximately 5,500 tons of Neo bonded magnets produced each year. In addition, it is possible to hot-press the melt spun nanocrystalline particles into fully dense isotropic magnets, and then upset-forge or back-extrude these into high-energy anisotropic magnets.
Bonded magnets can be made from either hard ferrite materials or rare earth magnetic powder. They are manufactured using both injection molding and compression bonding techniques which are fully automated and are particularly suitable for high volume production.
Bonded neo powder is incorporated into numerous end market applications that utilize bonded neo magnets. These products are primarily motors and sensors used in a range of products, including computer and office equipment (e.g., hard disk drives and optical disk drive motors and fax, copier and printer stepper motors), consumer electronics (e.g., personal video recorders and mp3 music players), automotive and industrial applications (e.g., instrument panel motors, seat motors andair bag sensors) and home ventilation systems (e.g., ceiling fans).
Application of Bonded Neodymium magnets:
•Magnetic separators
•Microphone assemblies
•Servo motors
•DC motors (automotive starters) and other motors