The configuration of the access controller is mainly based on the principle that the card reader is connected to the controller and the wiring distance from the controller to the host computer.

Principle 1: The distance between the reader and the controller should be less than 100 meters and it is recommended to be within 60 meters.

Principle 2: The bus length of the computer and other controllers is less than 1200 meters. It is recommended to be within 800 meters. If the distance is longer, you need to increase the communication distance of the repeater to 3000 meters. You can also use TCP/IP-485 conversion. The device is integrated into the LAN or the Internet for networking.

Principle 3: The glass door should be connected to the electric lock, and the wooden door fire door should be connected with a magnetic lock (electromagnetic lock).

Principle 4: The communication hub can be connected to 128 access controllers.

Woltman Water Meter

Ningbo Jingcheng Meter Co., Ltd. is a professional Woltman Water Meter manufacturer.
Mechanical Water Meters are used the mechanical transmission structure. Measuring, memorizing and displaying the volume of cold water passing through the pipeline. They are widely used due to the simple structure and cheap price. Jingcheng Mechanical Water Meters are used worldwide by municipal utilities, companies and water suppliers.
Please feel free to contact us if you need any Woltman Water Meter.

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