Herbicides have an important role in crop growth, but not all herbicides can be used during crop growth, and some herbicides should be used with caution. The following are several herbicides that should be used with caution in crops.

Quick killing quinone (quinclorac)

In the 300 days after the application of the quick killing, no crops can be planted except for rice. Eggplant and tobacco cannot be planted within 12 months, and tomatoes and carrots cannot be planted within 2 years. In addition, umbelliferous crops such as carrots, celery, and cilantro are very sensitive to fast killing, and it is not possible to water the above crops with the water of the paddy fields that have been killed.


It has a long retention period in the soil, and it is not suitable to grow beets, rice, potatoes, melons, vegetables, sorghum and cotton.

Sike (Metazine, Azinone)

According to the experimental report, the application of 420~1120 grams of active ingredient per hectare (15 acres) can only be used for planting alfalfa, asparagus, wheat, barley, corn, potato, sweet potato, sugar cane, soybean and grass forage after 4 months; Rice and cotton can be grown after a month, and other crops other than roots can be planted after 12 months. At present, it is generally recommended that the dosage of Sike is 210-560 grams per hectare, and this dose is generally safe for the crop after harvest.


According to reports, per turf (15 acres) with active ingredients of 560 ~ 1400 grams of chlorhexidine, 9 months after application can be planted rice, cotton, corn, pepper, tobacco, cucurbit crops, all crops can be planted after 16 months . At present, it is generally recommended that the amount of chlorhexidine used in combination with other drugs has no effect on the sorghum crop, but heavy spray has a slight effect on wheat.
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