The solid wood floor paint board is a solid wood floor made of paint in the factory, usually a UV paint, and then installed. Solid wood floor board is unpainted solid wood floor, open slot and rake, and then paint after installation. In view of various reasons, the market is mainly based on UV paint floors, and the use of solid wood floors with primed paint has not been promoted.

  Kanghui solid wood flooring  

Now, there are still many consumers who do not understand the difference between solid wood floor board and solid wood floor paint board. Here's the difference between solid wood floor board and solid wood floor paint board:

The solid wood floor paint board is a solid wood floor made of paint in the factory, usually a UV paint, and then installed. UV paint solid wood flooring is easy to install and installation tools are simple. However, due to the lacquer board, there will inevitably be a lot of floor seams on the ground, and these floor seams are often a clean corner for filth. The UV paint makes the solid wood flooring block covered with a layer of plastic film, which is smooth and very bright, but it loses the original feel of wood, and the woody sense is exactly the original pursuit of people using solid wood flooring. For users of solid wood flooring, besides wood species, floor paint is a very important aspect of wood flooring because it is the floor paint that protects the floor. If you only pay attention to the wood species, there is no good floor paint to protect your floor, and even the best wood is useless.

Solid wood floor board is unpainted solid wood floor, open slot and rake, and then paint after installation. The basic steps are to install the prime plate, polish the floor, putty, brush primer and topcoat. Mixing the sawdust with the floor polish can make the floor seams match the color of the solid wood floor. The polishing will remove excess putty on the solid wood floor, and make the solid wood floor more smooth and delicate, and then begin to brush the primer and topcoat, but the paint has high technical requirements for workers, and it easily causes secondary pollution in the room.

In view of various reasons, the market is mainly based on UV paint floors, and the use of solid wood floors with primed paint has not been promoted.

Flooring Natural Flooring Floor Paint

Ball Cock

A ballcock (also balltap or float valve) is a mechanism or machine for filling water tanks, such as those found in flush toilets, while avoiding overflow and (in the event of low water pressure) backflow. The modern ballcock was invented by José Antonio de Alzate y Ramírez, a Mexican priest and scientist, who described the device in 1790 in the Gaceta de Literatura Méxicana.[1] It consists of a valve connected to a hollow sealed float by means of a lever, mounted near the top of the tank. The float is often ball-shaped, hence the name ballcock. The valve is connected to the incoming water supply, and is opened and closed by the lever which has the float mounted on the end. When the water level rises, the float rises with it; once it rises to a pre-set level, the mechanism forces the lever to close the valve and shut off the water flow. This is an example of negative feedback and of proportional control.

Ball Cock, Brass Ball Bibcock, Ballcock Valve, Toilet Ballcock Valve