The potato is a high yield and is a kind of hi-fertilizer sulfur crop. The most demanding of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients in the growth of potatoesmany. Nitrogen followed by less phosphorus. Experiments show that the production per1000kg of potato tubers, the nitrogen absorption will take about5kg,2kg phosphorus, potassium10kg, a sulfur1kg,1kg calcium, magnesium,1kg; potato production cycleDuring the period, when the potato is in the potato, it needs a peak of fertilizer. In general Mushi manure4000--5000kg basis, Mushi nitrogen13-15kg of pure phosphorus8--10kg of pure potassium10--12kg. In the potato tuber of spraying foliar2--3times. Do not apply potassium chloride and chlorineSub-composite fertilizer.