The fashionable New Yorkers are always curious about the designers. They talk about how Marc "legislatives" for Bleecker Street; Donna "returns to the past of himself" (her recent series is really great!); or how to use a new one in their home series to make the apartment look "very "Ralph"; a grapevine with new "Oscars" announcements, they will pour into the de la Renta store; they will also celebrate with champagne as Michael returns full time to the Project Runway. Obviously, they are very familiar with their favorite designers. Once asked where Donna, Marc, Ralph, Oscar, or Michael lived, these well-known heads suddenly went blank.

Into the master's home: the good life of Giorgio Armani

However, stop any pedestrians you might encounter on Via Montenapoleone (the famous shopping street in Milan) - shoppers, salesmen, deliverymen or nuns, and ask if they can tell you where Giorgio Armani lives. Immediately there will be a finger pointing to a certain neighborhood: “Follow the fountain and turn right, you will see Via Borgonuovo, his home is on the left side of the street. You can definitely find it. ”

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