In the past two years, many peanut growers in various places have reported that the phenomenon of empty shells of peanuts is becoming more and more serious. In order to solve the problem and solve the problem, we conducted survey interviews and data analysis, which are explained separately from three aspects.
The difference in the characteristics of the shell peanut problem is that the large peanut series is prone to empty shell problems, while the small peanut pearl series are rare.
The geographical and soil characteristics occur mainly in Jiangxi, Hubei, Jiangsu, Shandong, and a small part of Henan and Hebei. The soil has acidic or acidic soils such as brick red soil and yellow brown soil, and the active calcium is generally low, such as Qingdao. Wang Minglun of the Agricultural University of the soil test of the shell peanuts in the Qixia area of ​​Shandong Province found that the active calcium content was a “mark”.
The current level of production of large peanuts is generally increased from less than 200 kg to more than 300 kg. The problem of empty shells, which rarely occur at low production levels, is becoming more and more prominent under high-yield conditions.
The status quo of fertilization is the pursuit of yield. Most of the nitrogen fertilizers in the peanut planting area are not conducive to the nitrogen fixation of the nodule, and the formation of the aboveground stems and leaves is too luxuriant; the distribution of organic fertilizer is rare; most of the varieties applied by the current phosphate fertilizer are from the former superphosphate. Calcium is converted to phosphodiammonium and ternary high-concentration compound fertilizer. This is detrimental to the supplementation and nutritional balance of trace elements in peanut ground.
Calcium deficiency in pods can cause peanut shells to be calcium-loving crops. For every 100 kilograms of pods produced, about 2.7 kilograms of calcium is required. In particular, the development of pods requires calcium to enrich the nuts in order to increase the fullness. However, peanuts are also crops with limited calcium absorption. In the early stage, the growth of stems and leaves in the upper part of the ground is absorbed by the unplugged young root tips. Because the transport of calcium in the phloem is weak, it is impossible to use the calcium absorbed by the roots after the needle period, and it is impossible to use the calcium absorbed by the roots, and mainly rely on the fruit needles and the young fruits to absorb the calcium in the soil.
Numerous studies at home and abroad have found that even in the stage of pod formation after fruit needle sticking, even if the underlying soil in which the root system is located is not deficient in calcium, the calcium absorbed by the root is difficult to be transported into the pod. When peanut pods are formed, more than 90% of the calcium is taken directly from the surrounding soil by the fruit needle and young fruit. This means that from the fruit needle into the soil for more than 70 days, as long as there is severe calcium deficiency or calcium deficiency in the soil layer of the pod, it will directly affect the formation of the pod, and the lightness of the kernel will decrease. The resulting reduction in production will seriously lead to the problem of peanut shells. As many farmers have called many times, although the stems and leaves of peanuts are still flourishing, the harvested pods are often not full or even empty.
Many years ago, the acid soil in southern China could reduce the peanut shell rate by applying lime to neutralize acid and calcium. In the early 1990s, the Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences applied gypsum to peanuts on the calcareous alluvial soil in the Huangfan District. The yield increase was also very obvious. Generally, 1.6 kg of peanut pods could be produced per kg of gypsum. In foreign studies in foreign countries, gypsum is a commonly used calcium fertilizer in peanuts in the United States. It can be applied directly to the flowering stage to prevent empty shell problems.
There are also reports that the strength and ability of calcium absorption in different parts of the pod are different: 15.5% for the fruit needle, 59.5% for the young fruit, 7.5% for the young fruit, and 1.5% for the initial fruit. The calcium absorption of the kernel is the lowest. Moreover, their calcium absorption capacity gradually decreases with the development of the pod. It causes the calcium deficiency problem to occur more easily in the late stage of pod formation, and makes peanuts empty fruit and capsules.
Fertilization suggests that the soil water content, the ratio of nitrogen, potassium and calcium, magnesium and other nutrients and other factors affect the absorption of calcium by the pod. However, under high-yield conditions, the content of available calcium in dryland soils is difficult to reach a high level, which can not meet the accumulation of calcium in pods. In order to increase the calcium content of pods, the problem of empty shells is eliminated, and the pods are resistant to drought. Pest and disease ability, application of calcium fertilizer is an effective measure to ensure high yield and stable yield of peanuts. As for the acidic acid or acidified soil such as brown soil, calcium supplementation is even more needed.
Commonly used calcium fertilizers, mainly gypsum, which is calcium sulphate, is a physiological acid fertilizer that can be used to improve saline-alkali soils in addition to peanut calcium and sulfur. Shifa is suitable as base fertilizer, 50-100 kg per mu. It can also be applied at the flowering season, about 25 kg per mu. In addition, calcium, heavy calcium and calcium magnesium phosphate can be used as calcium supplement fertilizers.
Since the absorption of calcium by peanut pods is active absorption. If 2,4-dinitrophenol is used, the calcium absorption rate of peanut pods can be inhibited, and the inhibition rate can reach 70% to 92%. Therefore, peanuts should not be applied with 2,4-dinitrophenol.
Author: Cao Yiping (The author is a senior consultant Sinochem fertilizer, China Agricultural University)
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