Effective measures for potassium fertilizer application
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Potassium fertilizer should be applied first to the potassium-deficient soil, and the soil potassium supply determines the effect of potassium fertilizer application. In practice, it should be based on soil supply.The amount of potassium is preferentially applied to the soil where the available potassium is low, the slow-acting potassium is low, and the slow-release soil is generally planted with rice and wheat.Potassium is effective whenthe available potassium content is40-80ppm(K2O). Potash should be applied preferentially to soils with sufficient phosphorus and nitrogen levels and low yield levels. The coarse-grained sand has low potassium fertility, and the quick-acting potassium is easy to leaching.Priority application of potash should also be considered. The potassium content and potassium absorption capacity of various crops are different. For some potassium-producing crops such as tobacco, potato, sugar beet, sugar cane, banana, etc., potassium fertilizer can be applied to increase the yield while improving the quality. IncreaseThe leguminous green with a large production range can also be applied more, with potassium increasing nitrogen. Potassium fertilizer application should also be paid to high-yield dwarf varieties and hybrid rice that require a large amount of potassium.