In recent years, with the increase of crop multiple cropping index and the cultivation of high-yield varieties, crop yields have increased significantly. At the same time as high yields are obtained, soil nutrients are also consumed exponentially. With the continuous promotion of agricultural technology, the level of farmers' land is also increasing. Most farmers have realized the rational application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and can supplement the soil with NPK in time, but for the trace element boron. The role is not well understood.

Boron deficiency in wheat is mainly caused by poor ear development, difficulty in tapping, and often abnormally ear. The grain number per spike and the 1000-grain weight of the wheat are reduced, and the yield is lowered while the quality is lowered.

The main methods for controlling boron deficiency in wheat are as follows:

1. Apply boron fertilizer:

Do base fertilizer: 1.5-3.0kg/hm2, pay attention to the obvious aftereffect of base application of boron fertilizer, do not need to apply according to the above amount every year, otherwise it may cause excessive boron and poisoning.

Seed soaking: soaking with 0.01%-0.03% borax or boric acid solution for 12-14h.

Foliar application: spray with 0.1%-0.2% borax or boric acid solution, generally 1.5kg/hm2.

2. Add organic fertilizer:

Organic fertilizer itself contains boron. After being applied to the soil, it can be released with the decomposition of organic fertilizer to increase the level of boron supply in the soil. On the other hand, it can increase the content of soil organic matter, increase the storage of available boron and reduce the fixation of boron. And leaching, coordination of soil boron strength and capacity.

3. Rational application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers:

Control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer to prevent the lack of boron caused by excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, properly increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, promote the growth of crop roots, and enhance the absorption of boron by roots.
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