Peanut meal is a by-product of shelling peanut fruit as raw material, after extraction of oil by organic solvent extraction or pre-pressure extraction method, once and second time. One pass is the first time that the remaining peanut slag is pressed and the second press is the peanut squash that has been pressed twice.

Peanut meal contains crude protein 28% to 47%, crude fiber 4% to 7%, crude fat 0.5% to 2.0%, calcium 0.2% to 0.3%, phosphorus 0.45% to 0.7%, and also contains a small amount of phytic acid phosphorus. The crude protein content of peanut meal is similar to that of soybean meal, but it lacks lysine, methionine, and threonine. In addition, peanut pods are susceptible to moulds, especially Aspergillus flavus. To solve these problems can take the following approach.

The first is to supplement vitamin B12 and calcium when using peanut meal. Second, peanut meal should be used as little as possible in compound feeds. It is best to control it at about 10%. More than 20% can cause diarrhea in livestock. The third is that the peanut meal contains trypsin inhibitors, which are destroyed when heated at about 120°C. If the temperature is too high or too low, the utilization of the protein will be affected.

Xi'an Jmlai Bio-Tech Co., Ltd. ,